Your world could grow infinitely bigger if you were only willing to become...appropri ately small.
John OrtbergWe tend to be preoccupied by our problems when we have a heightened sense of vulnerability and a diminished sense of power. Today, see each problem as an invitation to prayer.
John OrtbergI hate how hard spiritual transformation is and how long it takes. I hate thinking about how many people have gone to church for decades and remain joyless or judgmental or bitter or superior.
John OrtbergGoing in faith does not necessarily mean going with serenity or without doubts. Faith can be difficult.
John OrtbergThe soul seeks God with its whole being. Because it is desperate to be whole, the soul is God-smitten and God-crazy and God-obsessed. My mind may be obsessed with idols; my will may be enslaved to habits; my body may be consumed with appetites. But my soul will never find rest until it rests in God.
John Ortberg