No man shall ever behold the glory of Christ by sight hereafter who does not in some measure behold it here by faith.
John OwenTo say that we are able by our own efforts to think good thoughts or give God spiritual obedience before we are spiritually regenerate is to overthrow the gospel and the faith of the universal church in all ages.
John OwenWe can have no power from Christ unless we live in a persuasion that we have none of our own.
John OwenIf private revelations agree with Scripture, they are needless, and if they disagree, they are false.
John OwenThe growth of trees and plants takes place so slowly that it is not easily seen. Daily we notice little change. But, in course of time, we see that a great change has taken place. So it is with grace. Sanctification is a progressive, lifelong work (Prov 4:18). It is an amazing work of God's grace and it is a work to be prayed for (Rom 8:27).
John OwenFor a man solemnly to undertake the interpretation of any portion of Scripture without invocation of God, to be taught and instructed by His Spirit, is a high provocation of him; nor shall I expect the discovery of truth from any one who thus proudly engages in a work so much beyond his ability.
John Owen