A man's diary is a record in youth of his sentiments, in middle age of his actions, in old age of his reflections.
John Quincy AdamsI inhabit a weak, frail, decayed tenement; battered by the winds and broken in on by the storms, and, from all I can learn, the landlord does not intend to repair.
John Quincy AdamsHis face is livid, gaunt his whole body, his breath is green with gall; his tongue drips poison.
John Quincy AdamsHowever tiresome to others, the most indefatigable orator is never tedious to himself. The sound of his own voice never loses its harmony to his own ear; and among the delusions, which self-love is ever assiduous in attempting to pass upon virtue, he fancies himself to be sounding the sweetest tones
John Quincy Adams