Simplicity is no longer presented as a virtue. The value of complex and difficult language has been preached with such insistence that the public has begun to believe the lack of clarity must be a sign of artistic talent.
John Ralston SaulWordsmiths who serve established power...castrate the public imagination by subjecting language to a complexity which renders it private. Elitism is always their aim.
John Ralston SaulThere is something silly about grown men and women striving to reduce their vision of themselves and of civilization to bean counting.
John Ralston SaulPeople cannot do what they cannot think, and they cannot think what they cannot say.
John Ralston SaulAfter a period in which technocrats attempted to become stars and stars to become politicians, the political void has been occupied by the force of mediocrity, which can easily master enough of the star techniques to produce inoffensive personalities and enough of the rational vocabulary to create the sounds of competence.
John Ralston Saul