Well, if I use Hispanic culture I get corruption and really good salsa music. If I use Chinese culture I get rigid thinking and decent Szechwan. If I use Islamic culture I get...not damned much of anything. And ditto for Africa although at least the rhythm is good and you can dance to it. But if I use Western European Culture I get industry, higher standards of living, longer lifespans and a generally happier society. Damn, I think I'll just have to go with WesternCiv even if I do have to put up with the Lutherans.
John Ringo...open-market democratic capitalism isn't the best system of government in the world, it just works the best.
John Ringo[Virginia] has a very sizeable collection of democrats, liberals and moonbats. (Yes, they can be separated.)
John RingoMore people have been killed by totalitarian regimes, during times of peace, than in all the wars in the world combined.
John Ringo