Today's mom watches her every child-rearing step lest she commit some egregious and apocalyptic parenting faux pas that will certainly doom her child to a life spent sleeping under overpasses, or worse, not going to Harvard.
John RosemondHow do you prevent a little sociopath from becoming a big, full-blown sociopath? Sit on him.
John RosemondThe combination of foolishness in the heart and free will in the head is extremely volatile.
John RosemondParents should not agonize over anything a child does or fails to do if the child is perfectly capable of agonizing over it himself.
John RosemondThe fewer words a parent uses, the more aurhoritative the parent sounds & the clearer the instruction.
John RosemondGive your children regular, daily doses of Vitamin N. This vital nutrient consists simply of the most character-building two-letter word in the English language No...Unfortunately, many, if not most, of today's children suffer from Vitamin N deficiency. They've been overindulged by well-meaning parents who've given them far too much of what they want and far too little of what they truly need.
John Rosemond