There is no climate, no place, and scarcely an hour, in which nature does not exhibit color which no mortal effort can imitate or approach. For all our artificial pigments are, even when seen under the same circumstances, dead and lightless beside her living color; nature exhibits her hues under an intensity of sunlight which trebles their brilliancy.
John RuskinCuriosity is a gift, a capacity of pleasure in knowing, which if you destroy, you make yourself cold and dull.
John RuskinNo picture can be good which deceives by its imitation, for the very reason that nothing can be beautiful which is not true.
John RuskinThe finer the nature, the more flaws it will show through the clearness of it; and it is a law of this universe that the best things shall be seldomest seen in their best form.
John RuskinAnother of the strange and evil tendencies of the present day is the decoration of the railroad station... There was never more flagrant nor impertinent folly than the smallest portion of ornament in anything connected with the railroads... Railroad architecture has or would have a dignity of its own if it were only left to its work.
John Ruskin