One of the things that voters have said about Donald Trump, since he has no government experience, is that he will be able to surround himself with good advisers.
John S. DickersonWhat's confusing about that, though, is you [Marco Rubio] say if he [Donald Trump] were the nominee, it would destroy the conservative movement. You're painting scary pictures of him being the nominee. But then you're saying he will never be the nominee. You have signed onto the hashtag #neverTrump.I guess what people wonder is, you say all these terrible things about him, but then why might you not, like Chris Christie, who said bad things about him, just turn around and endorse him once - once he gets the nomination?
John S. DickersonMr. Obama said that he personally told Mr. Putin to knock it off and vows to retaliate. But the Obama presidency is coming to an end and his successor still won't accept that Russia is guilty of tampering with U.S. elections. But president-elect Donald Trump is accepting the thanks of those who voted for him.
John S. DickersonDonald Trump is a mainstream conservative who wants to profoundly take on the left. The left is infuriated that anybody would challenge the legitimacy of their moral superiority. And so the left goes hysterical.
John S. Dickerson