Cultivate an ever continuous power of observation. Wherever you are, be always ready to make slight notes of postures, groups and incidents. Store up in the mind... a continuous stream of observations from which to make selections later. Above all things get abroad, see the sunlight and everything that is to be seen.
John Singer SargentCultivate an ever-continuous power of observation. Wherever you are, be always ready to make slight notes of postures, groups and incidents.
John Singer SargentAn artist painting a picture should have at his side a man with a club to hit him over the head when the picture is finished.
John Singer SargentI hate to paint portraits! I hope never to paint another portrait in my life. Portraiture may be all right for a man in his youth, but after forty I believe that manual dexterity deserts one, and, besides, the color-sense is less acute. Youth can better stand the exactions of a personal kind that are inseparable from portraiture. I have had enough of it.
John Singer Sargent