Any man of reasonable intelligence can make money if that's what he wants. Mostly it's women or clothes or admiration he really wants and they deflect him.
John SteinbeckIdeas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen.
John SteinbeckYou must not forget that a monster is only a variation, and that to a monster the norm is monstrous.
John SteinbeckAnd when that crop grew, and was harvested, no man had crumbled a hot clod in his fingers and let the earth sift past his fingertips. No man had touched the seed, or lusted for the growth. Men ate what they had not raised, had no connection with the bread. The land bore under iron, and under iron gradually died; for it was not loved or hated, it had no prayers or curses.
John Steinbeck