Give me a break - They say taxes are inevitable, like death. At least death doesn't come every year.
John StosselWhat private property does is connect effort to reward, creating an incentive for people to produce for more. Then, if there's a free market, people will trade their surpluses to others for the things they lack. Mutual exchange for mutual benefit makes the community richer.
John StosselWhere I live in Manhattan and where I work at ABC, people say conservative the way people say child molester.
John StosselThe welfare state has done to Black Americans what slavery (and Jim Crow and racism) could not have done. . .break up the black family. Today, just slightly over 30 percent of black kids live in two-parent families. Historically, from the 1870s on. . . 75-90 percent of black kids lived in two-parent families.
John Stossel