When the land is cultivated entirely by the spade and no horses are kept, a cow is kept for every three acres of land.
John Stuart MillThe successful conduct of an industrial enterprise requires two quite distinct qualifications: fidelity and zeal.
John Stuart MillPolitical Economy as a branch of science is extremely modern; but the subject with which its enquiries are conversant has in all ages necessarily constituted one of the chief practical interests of mankind.
John Stuart MillEducation makes a man a more intelligent shoemaker, if that be his occupation, but not by teaching him how to make shoes; it does so by the mental exercise it gives, and the habits it impresses.
John Stuart MillHe who lets the world, or his own portion of it, choose his plan of life for him, has no need of any other faculty than the ape-like one of imitation. He who chooses his plan for himself, employs all his faculties. He must use observation to see, reasoning and judgment to foresee, activity to gather materials for decision, discrimination to decide, and when he has decided, firmness and self-control to hold to his deliberate decision.
John Stuart Mill