Next to the wicked lives of men, nothing is so great a disparagement and weakening to religion as the divisions of Christians.
John TillotsonIf a man were only to deal in the world for a day, and should never have occasion to converse more with mankind, never more need their good opinion or good word, it were then no great matter (speaking as to the concernments of this world), if a man spent his reputation all at once, and ventured it at one throw; but if he be to continue in the world, and would have the advantage of conversation while he is in it, let him make use of truth and sincerity in all his words and actions; for nothing but this will last and hold out to the end.
John TillotsonEvery man hath greater assurance that God is good and just than he can have of any subtle speculations about predestination and the decrees of God.
John Tillotson