For the spiritual efficacy of the Sacrament doth not depend upon the nature of the thing received, supposing we received what our Lord appointed, and receive it with a right preparation and disposition of mind, but upon the supernatural blessing that goes along with it, and makes it effectual to those spiritual ends for which it was appointed.
John TillotsonThe true ground of most men's prejudice against the Christian doctrine is because they have no mind to obey it.
John TillotsonLet no man deceive you with vain words or vain hopes or false notions of a slight and sudden repentance. As if heaven were a hospital founded on purpose to receive all sick and maimed persons that, when they can live no longer to the lusts of the flesh and the sinful pleasures of this world, can but put up a cold and formal petition to be admitted there. No, no, as sure as God is true, they shall never see the Kingdom of God who, instead of seeking it in the first place, make it their last refuge and retreat.
John TillotsonWhether religion be true or false, it must be necessarily granted to be the only wise principle and safe hypothesis for a man to live and die by.
John TillotsonSurely modesty never hurt any cause; and the confidence of man seems to me to be much like the wrath of man.
John Tillotson