The cumulative effect of the Romantic theory of creativity, as played out in the context of belief in the virtue of the avant-garde, is that while the art world has effectively freed itself from the tyranny of artistic tradition and its historic patronage system, it has ended up inhabiting an autonomous but perceived irrelevance.
John WalfordPostmodernism has not overcome the problems of modernism, but only compounded them with a dosis of cynicism, relativism and indifference.
John WalfordChrist, as the ultimate Imago Dei is alluded to in scripture as being without external beauty in the Classical sense, and should better be thought of as one who passed through all the slime and mire of a fallen and sinful creation in order to redeem it. His own body is to be remembered for the marks it bears-even in resurrection-of the scars of his sacrificial death. For the Christian, a theory of beauty might better begin at this point.
John WalfordWho is one's audience, the spiritually hostile professional art world or one's visually insensitive Christian neighbour?
John Walford