One question you never want to ask God is, 'What's wrong with me - because He'll tell you.
John WimberWe're in a declared war, but unless were clear about who the enemy is, we'll waste our time fighting enemies that aren't enemies at all. There's only one enemy and no matter what people do, say or react people are never the enemy. The enemy is our only enemy.
John WimberWhen do we get to do the stuff? You know, the stuff here in the Bible; the stuff Jesus did, like healing the sick, raising the dead, healing the blind - stuff like that?
John WimberOur heart's desire should be to worship God; we have been designed by God for this purpose. If we don't worship God, we'll worship something or someone else.
John WimberAs we interact with God, we'll find ourselves more satisfied in Him and less satisfied with things much less important.
John WimberGod has given us a vision to see the body of Christ move from being an inactive audience to a Spirit-filled army. . . God is about to unloose a powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit of an unprecedented magnitude. . . He is looking for individuals who will be 'dread champions' for his cause.
John Wimber