I shall pray God to send charity into this hideous world, and sympathy for the weak, and love for the unhappy and unfortunate. I shall ask Him if it is indeed His will that a child should suffer and its soul be damned for a little blemish of the body.
John WyndhamThe simple rely on a bolstering mass of maxim and precept, so do the timid, so do the mentally lazy โ and so do all of us, more than we imagine.
John WyndhamThere is an inability to sustain the tragic mood, a phoenix quality of the mind. It may be helpful or harmful, it is just a part of the will to surviveโyet, also, it has made it possible for us to engage in one weakening war after another. But it is a necessary part of our mechanism that we should be able to cry only for a time over even an ocean of spilt milkโthe spectacular must soon become the commonplace if life is to be supportable.
John Wyndham