Entropy is one of the laws of thermodynamics. It's a physical law that says everything in nature is moving from order to disorder. In our lives this same principle is at work. As time moves on, things break down as we make mistakes. This is the 'letdown' every person experiences because of sin. For Christians this concept doesn't end there because we realize God's 'beautiful' mercy and grace restores the order in our lives.
Jon ForemanBeing a creator of a song I get to take all these broken fragments of failure and chaos and weave together something beautiful and meaningful. Decay. Death. Pain. Fall. And if God is a songwriter then these fallen leaves of mine can be redeemed
Jon ForemanMaybe truth is not something that I can possess. Maybe truth is something which possesses me.
Jon ForemanMy challenge is, do not run away from the hard questions. Truly ask yourself what's worth living for in this life.
Jon Foreman