The bow of God's wrath is bent, and His arrows made ready upon the string. Justice points the arrow at your heart and strings the bow. It is nothing but the mere pleasure of God (and that of an angry God without any promise or obligation at all) that keeps the arrow one moment from being made drunk with your blood.
Jonathan Edwardstrue weanedness from the world don't consist in being beat off from the world by the affliction of it, but a being drawn off by the sight of something better.
Jonathan EdwardsThe door of God’s mercy is thrown wide open, and Christ stands in the door and says to sinners ‘Come.’
Jonathan EdwardsThe ingenerating of a principle of grace in the soul seems in Scripture to be compared to the conceiving of Christ in the womb... And the conception of Christ in the womb of the blessed virgin by the power of the Holy Ghost, seems to be a designed resemblance of the conception of Christ in the soul of a believer by the power of the same Holy Ghost.
Jonathan EdwardsHe that sees the beauty of holiness or true moral good ,sees the greatest and most important thing in the world.
Jonathan Edwards