There is nothing that keeps wicked men at any one moment out of hell, but the mere pleasure of God
Jonathan EdwardsThere is no way that Christians, in a private capacity, can do so much to promote the work of God and advance the kingdom of Christ as by prayer.
Jonathan EdwardsThe bodies of those that made such a noise and tumult when alive, when dead, lie as quietly among the graves of their neighbors as any others.
Jonathan EdwardsGod’s purpose for my life was that I have a passion for God’s glory and that I have a passion for my joy in that glory, and that these two are one passion.
Jonathan EdwardsRemember that pride is the worst viper that is in the heart, the greatest disturber of the soul's peace and sweet communion with Christ; it was the first sin that ever was, and lies lowest in the foundation of Satan's whole building, and is the most difficultly rooted out, and is the most hidden, secret and deceitful of all lusts, and often creeps in, insensibly, into the midst of religion and sometimes under the disguise of humility.
Jonathan Edwards