I spent the first few years of my life in a smallish community in Queens. Back in those early days, kids could roam the streets with relatively little supervision and one place I visited frequently was the local library. This particular branch was little more than a storefront but to me it was an alternative universe where I could explore my interests and receive kind, informative answers to my questions from the wonderful librarians.
Jonathan KellermanThe characters emerge from my rather twisted mind. That's another enjoyable part of the job making stuff up.
Jonathan Kellerman40 Words for Sorrow is brilliant-one of the finest crime novels I've ever read. Giles Blunt writes with uncommon grace, style and compassion and he plots like a demon. This book has it all-unforgettable characters, beautiful language, throat-constricting suspense.
Jonathan KellermanHis experience and training should have taught him that families are the cauldrons in which violence is brewed. (144)
Jonathan Kellerman