When you make a record, you probably are not going to hit exactly what you were aiming for. You also have to let go at a certain point, and just trust it.
Jonathan MeiburgThe thing is that honestly we haven't had an audience. And we have a chance to have an audience now. Which is great because I think we've sort of evolved as a band to the point where I think we might actually be interesting to go see.
Jonathan MeiburgWhen you make a record, you probably are not going to hit exactly what you were aiming for. You also have to let go at a certain point, and just trust it. I remember feeling we had fallen short, or that it had fallen short. At the same time it was great to see a good critical reaction to it, and to hear people were enjoying it, which made me think, "Well, maybe it's a good thing I didn't get exactly what I wanted." Now we're testing that theory.
Jonathan MeiburgIt's a very different feeling just sitting around the side, playing piano, and dancing around as opposed to standing in front and singing.
Jonathan MeiburgI feel like we've kind of gone through a transformation in the past year. I don't know what happened but we've somehow gelled in a way that we never have before. The live show has become much more powerful and interesting to me. I really feel like we're learning to negotiate the dynamics of it and keep it interesting. It feels like we're becoming much more comfortable and in tune with one another.
Jonathan Meiburg