I completely believe that I will produce my best work and my best work will come in my thirties.
Jonathan Rhys MeyersI'm a workaholic. I also go to the gym a lot - it's my new thing. Yes, I am a compulsive person.
Jonathan Rhys MeyersCelebrity has lost its value - all you have to do is go on a reality TV show for six weeks and everybody knows your name.
Jonathan Rhys MeyersAs a kid, I spent an awful lot of time pretending I was somebody else. I think growing up in the 1980s wasn't very exciting so you kind of create this secret life of an alternate person. You pretend to be whatever you need to be that day, so you live in that dream world.
Jonathan Rhys MeyersYou go through your 20s sort of like a chrysalis in many ways, stretching into your own skin and trying to bust out of a cocoon.
Jonathan Rhys MeyersI don't live in Ireland, I live in London with my girlfriend; and it's because of the globalization of our planet, it's not necessary to live in Los Angeles to be a successful and any country is just an airplane ride away. If there's a director who wants to meet me or if there's something I have to do, I can just hop on an airplane - the world's small now.
Jonathan Rhys Meyers