If it were a rainy day, a drunken vigil, a fit of the spleen, a course of physic, sleepy Sunday, an ill run at dice, a long tailor's bill, a beggar's purse, a factious head, a hot sun, costive diet, want of books, and a just contempt for learning - but for these. . .the number of authors and of writing would dwindle away to a degree most woeful to behold.
Jonathan SwiftEvery day is an opportunity to make a new happy ending. May you live all the days of your life.
Jonathan SwiftVery few men, properly speaking, live at present, but are providing to live another time.
Jonathan SwiftBlot out, correct, insert, refine, enlarge, diminish, interline. Be mindful, when invention fails. To scratch your head and bite your nails.
Jonathan SwiftThe ruin of a State is generally preceded by an universal degeneracy of manners and contempt of religion.
Jonathan Swift