Even under the best of circumstances, there's just something so damn tragic about growing up.
Jonathan TropperI would have done the same thing I did. I would have put all my energy into loving someone that wasn't you. I would have tried in vain, every day, to not think about you, and what could have been. What should have been. I would have tried to convince myself that there's no such thing as true love, except for the love you yourself make work, even though I know better....The bottom line is I never had any business marrying anyone who wasn't you.
Jonathan TropperI wake up like this, this sense that I've somehow been transported to an alternate universe where my life took a left instead of a right beacuse of some seeemingly insignificant yet cosmically crucial choice I've made, about a girl or a kiss or a date or a job or which Starbucks I went into...something.
Jonathan TropperIt would be a terrible mistake to go through life thinking that people are the sum total of what you see.
Jonathan Tropper