Everybody knows this legend in kind of African-American lore. There's always somebody in your neighborhood named Orangejello or Lemonjello. And that's spelled - Orangejello is spelled O-R-A-N-G-E-J-E-L-L-O.
Jordan PeeleSince we were renamed, and now it feels like 80 percent of the African-American population has the name Washington or Jefferson or some president or slave owner's name. And, I almost wonder is this, like, is this part of a way of taking back the principle of naming your - I might be going too far into this - but naming your kids something of your choice?
Jordan PeeleWhen people get together, we are capable of the most beautiful, amazing things. But we are also capable of genocide.
Jordan PeeleIt's a no-win situation with politics, it's always going to be stressful. I'm more into the comedy of life.
Jordan PeeleI've been very lucky to have a family who has welcomed me and not been hung up on anything racial, almost overlooking the fact that there was a racial difference. But I can honestly say I do feel like I missed out on some lessons of what the African-American experience is like growing up.
Jordan Peele