I suppose identity depends on memory. And if my memory is blotted out, then I wonder if I exist - I mean, if I am the same person. Of course, I don't have to solve that problem. It's up to God, if any.
Jorge Luis BorgesIf space is infinite, we may be at any point in space. If time is infinite, we may be at any point in time.
Jorge Luis BorgesTruly fine poetry must be read aloud. A good poem does not allow itself to be read in a low voice or silently. If we can read it silently, it is not a valid poem: a poem demands pronunciation. Poetry always remembers that it was an oral art before it was a written art. It remembers that it was first song.
Jorge Luis BorgesNo one is a poet from eight to twelve and from two to six. Whoever is a poet is one always, and continually assaulted by poetry.
Jorge Luis Borges