I know of a wild region whose librarians repudiate the vain superstitious custom of seeking any sense in books and compare it to looking for meaning in dreams or in the chaotic lines of one's hands . . . They admit that the inventors of writing imitated the twenty-five natural symbols, but they maintain that this application is accidental and that books in themselves mean nothing. This opinion - we shall see - is not altogether false.
Jorge Luis BorgesWe are our memory, we are that chimerical museum of shifting shapes, that pile of broken mirrors.
Jorge Luis BorgesA writer - and, I believe, generally all persons - must think that whatever happens to him or her is a resource.
Jorge Luis BorgesI try to avoid purple patches, fine writing, all that kind of thing... because I think they're a mistake. And then sometimes it comes through and sometimes it doesn't, but that's not up to me. It's up to chance.
Jorge Luis Borges