Somewhere in the infinite that He occupies, God advances and withdraws the pawns of the other games He plays, but it is too soon to worry about this one, all He need do for the present is allow things to take their natural course, apart from the occasional adjustment with the tip of His little finger to make sure some stray thought or action does not interfere with the harmony of destinies.
Jose Saramago. . . if there is a way for the world to be transformed for the better, it can only be done by pessimism; optimists will never change the world for the better.
Jose SaramagoI'm not pessimistic. It is the world that is terrible. How can we be optimistic in the face of a planet where people live so badly, nature is being destroyed and the dominant empire is money?
Jose Saramago... that's how life should be, when one person loses heart, the other must have heart and courage enough for both.
Jose Saramago