Put your heart aside. Duty comes first. But when fulfilling your duty, put your heart into it. It helps.
Josemaria EscrivaIf you say the Holy Rosary every day, with a spirit of faith and love, our Lady will make sure she leads you very far along her Son's path.
Josemaria EscrivaWhen we were little, we kept close to our mother in a dark alley or if dogs barked at us. Now, when we feel temptations of the flesh, we should run to the side of our Mother in Heaven, by realizing how she is to us, and by means of aspirations. She will defend us and lead us to the light.
Josemaria EscrivaFor those who use their intelligence and their study as a weapon, the Rosary is most effective. Because that apparently monotonous way of beseeching Our Lady as children do their Mother, can destroy every seed of vainglory and pride.
Josemaria EscrivaIs it not true that your gloominess and bad temper are due to your lack of determination in breaking the subtle snares laid by your own disordered desires? The daily examination of conscience is an indispensible help if we are to follow our Lord with sincerity of heart and integrity of life.
Josemaria Escriva