What I spent I lost; what I possessed is left to others; what I gave away remains with me.
Joseph AddisonMusic can noble hints impart, Engender fury, kindle love, With unsuspected eloquence can move, And manage all the man with secret art.
Joseph AddisonMutability of temper and inconsistency with ourselves is the greatest weakness of human nature.
Joseph AddisonSupposing all the great points of atheism were formed into a kind of creed, I would fain ask whether it would not require an infinite greater measure of faith than any set of articles which they so violently oppose.
Joseph AddisonIf gratitude, when exerted towards another, naturally produces a very pleasing sensation in the mind of a grateful man, it exalts the soul into rapture when it is employed on this great object of gratitude to the beneficent Being who has given us everything we already possess, and from whom we expect everything we yet hope for.
Joseph Addison