The Lord compensates the faithful for every loss. That which is taken away from those who love the Lord will be added unto them in His own way. While it may not come at the time we desire, the faithful will know that every tear today will eventually be returned a hundredfold with tears of rejoicing and gratitude.
Joseph B. WirthlinEach person in the world is different and has their own beautiful sound in the symphony of life.
Joseph B. WirthlinGreat leaders communicate a vision that captures the imagination and fires the hearts and minds of those around them.
Joseph B. WirthlinPeace is more than a lofty ideal. It is a practical principle that, with conscious effort, can become a normal part of our lives as we deal with matters both large and small. One habit that prevents inner peace is procrastination. It clutters our minds with unfinished business and makes us uneasy until we finish a task and get it out of the way.
Joseph B. WirthlinEach minute is a little thing, and yet, with respect to our personal productivity, to manage the minute is the secret of success.
Joseph B. WirthlinYou should look ahead now and decide what you want to do with your lives. Fix clearly in your mind what you want to be one year from now, five years, ten years, and beyond. Write your goals and review them regularly. Keep them before you constantly, record your progress, and revise them as circumstances dictate.
Joseph B. Wirthlin