We are the consciousness of the earth. We are the eyes of the earth. The voice of the earth.
Joseph CampbellA bit of advice Given to a young Native American At the time of his initiation: As you go the way of life, You will see a great chasm. Jump. It is not as wide as you think.
Joseph CampbellHow to get rid of ego as dictator and turn it into messenger and servant and scout, to be in your service, is the trick.
Joseph CampbellThere's nothing militant about Jesus. I don't read anything like that in any of the gospels. Peter drew his sword and cut off the servant's ear, and Jesus said, "Put back thy sword, Peter." But Peter has had his sword out and at work ever since.
Joseph CampbellYou are more than you think you are. There are dimensions of your being and a potential for realization and consciousness that are not included in your concept of yourself. Your life is much deeper and broader than you conceive it to be here. What you are living is but a fractional inkling of what is really within you, what gives you life, breadth, and depth.
Joseph Campbell