How apt nature is, even in those who profess an eminence in holiness, to raise and maintain animosities against those whose calling or person they pretend to find cause to dislike!
Joseph HallGood prayers never come creeping home. I am sure I shall receive either what I ask, or what I should ask.
Joseph HallIt is not he that reads most, but he that meditates most on Divine truth, that will prove the choicest, wisest, strongest Christian.
Joseph HallGarments that have once one rent in them are subject to be torn on every nail, and glasses that are once cracked are soon broken; such is man's good name once tainted with just reproach.
Joseph HallChristian society is like a bundle of sticks laid together, whereof one kindles another. Solitary men have fewest provocations to evil, but, again, fewest incitations to good. So much as doing good is better than not doing evil will I account Christian good-fellowship better than an hermitish and melancholy solitariness.
Joseph Hall