When people ask me what they should do, I reply, "Get informed, get outraged, and then get political."
Joseph J. RommConservative Denyers and Delayers are the main reason America lacks the consensus and the political will to take up the fight against catastrophic climate change.
Joseph J. RommWould PBS go so far as to give air time to an even more extreme kind of disinformer, a Holocaust denier?
Joseph J. RommIn 2003... the White House conspired with an oil-company funded think tank to block a major government scientific report that sought to spell out the dangers of climate change to Americans.
Joseph J. RommSome 3 million years ago, when the earth was a little more than 3°C warmer than preindustrial levels (about 2.2°C warmer than today), Antarctica had far less ice and sea levels were a stunning 25 meters higher than today. If we stay on our current emissions path, the planet will almost certainly be that warm by the century's end.
Joseph J. Romm