If Americans in 2100 came to see 12 meters sea-level rise as inevitable by 2200, who can even begin to fathom how the nation would respond?
Joseph J. RommMuch of the scientific community has been astonished that their increasingly strong and detailed warnings have been either ignored or attacked.
Joseph J. RommThe science is crystal clear: we humans are the primary cause of global warming, and we face a bleak future if we fail to act quickly.
Joseph J. RommWe created a way of raising standards of living that we can't possibly pass on to our children.
Joseph J. RommConservative Denyers and Delayers are the main reason America lacks the consensus and the political will to take up the fight against catastrophic climate change.
Joseph J. RommOn moral grounds, I think that if you believe a certain outcome is a very possible outcome, you have an obligation to tell people that. With global warming, the probability of a bad outcome if we stay on our current emission trends is incredibly high. If you know a bad outcome is likely to happen, what right do you have not to communicate that? You go into a doctor's office, what are they going to do - not tell you the diagnosis?
Joseph J. Romm