Because of Jesus' finished work of the cross, He will never be angry with you nor rebuke you even when you fail.
Joseph PrinceThe only reason I don't want to commit adultery is because I love my wife and I love my lord.
Joseph PrinceJesus Himself has already paid the price for your sins, so stop condemning yourself! Today, when you look into the mirror, what do you see? Do you see yourself trapped in all your failings, mistakes, and sins? Or do you see what God sees? My dear friend, when God sees you today, He sees Jesus. Use your eyes of faith and believe that as Jesus is, so are you. In God’s eyes, you are righteous, you are favored, you are blessed, and you are healed. You are freed from all sin, all pangs of guilt, all forms of condemnation, and every bondage of addiction!
Joseph Prince