...[T]he Constitution conferred only a few specific powers on the federal government, all others being denied to it (as the Tenth Amendment would make plain). Unfortunately, only a tiny fraction of the U.S. population today - subtle logicians like you - can grasp such nuances. Too bad. The Constitution wasn't meant to be a brain-twister.
Joseph SobranVoters who live off taxpayers are the Democrats' ace in the hole. The Democrats created big programs and never let the recipients forget it. This gives them an initial advantage of tens of millions of votes in any presidential election.
Joseph SobranNow whatever you think of the liberal agenda on its merits, until very recently nobody thought the Constitution meant what liberals now say it means.
Joseph SobranThere can be no such thing as "limited government," because there is no way to control an entity that in principle enjoys a monopoly of power.
Joseph SobranA Christian can believe that God 'ordained' the 'powers that be' - including political rulers and slaveholders - for purposes too deep for us to understand fully, and that while they last we must provisionally accept them; but that they were not meant to last forever.
Joseph Sobran