The attempt to silence a man is the greatest honor you can bestow on him. It means that you recognize his superiority to yourself.
Joseph SobranEven if we are all doomed to live under the state, it doesn't follow that there is, or even can be, such a thing as a good state.
Joseph SobranWhen liberals clamor for 'diversity,' they don't necessarily mean they are ready to tolerate actual disagreement.
Joseph SobranFreedom has ceased to be a birthright; it has come to mean whatever we are still permitted to do.
Joseph SobranA hypocritical etiquette forces us to pretend that the Jews are powerless victims; and if you don't respect their victimhood, they'll destroy you.
Joseph SobranHow odd that Americans, and not just their presidents, have come to think of their Constitution as something separable from the government it's supposed to constitute. In theory, it should be as binding on rulers as the laws of physics are on engineers who design bridges; in practice, its axioms have become mere options. Of course engineers don't have to take oaths to respect the law of gravity; reality gives them no choice. Politics, as we see, makes all human laws optional for politicians.
Joseph Sobran