I admit that I do not recall the speeches of Comrades [Earl] Browder and [Samuel] Darcy. I do not even recall of what they spoke. It is possible that they said something of this nature. But it was not the Soviet people who created the American Communist Party. It was created by Americans.
Joseph Stalin- Oh no, The Collective Farm policy was a terrible struggle... Ten million (he said holding up his hands). It was fearful. Four years it lasted. It was absolutely necessary.
Joseph StalinIn my opinion, there are two focal points of the war danger. The first focal point is the Far East zone of Japan. The second focal point in the zone is Germany.
Joseph StalinUnder national "socialism", there is also only one party. But nothing will come out of this fascist one-party system.
Joseph StalinMarxism is not only the theory of socialism, it is an integral world outlook, a philosophical system, from which Marxโs proletarian socialism logically follows. This philosophical system is called dialectical materialism.
Joseph StalinNeither Italian fascism nor German national "socialism" have anything in common with such a [Soviet socialistic] society, primarily because private ownership of factories, plants, lands, banks, means of transportation, etc., remain untouched there, and, therefore, capitalism in Germany and Italy remains in full force.
Joseph Stalin