I went to Amherst because my brother had gone there before me, and he went there because his guidance counselor thought that we would do better there than at a large university like Harvard.
Joseph StiglitzAmherst was pivotal in my broad intellectual development; MIT in my development as a professional economist.
Joseph StiglitzOne has to always ask the question: Where can one be most effective in helping shape policies? It is always difficult when you're inside because you're very constrained.
Joseph StiglitzThe momentum today behind the idea of a new global reserve currency reflects, in effect, the rise of the rest in world politics and economics, led by China.
Joseph StiglitzThe median family income in the U.S. is lower than it was a quarter-century ago, and if people don't have income, they can't consume, and you can't have a strong economy. There's significant risk - actually it's no longer a risk - a significant likelihood of a marked slowdown not only in China, but also in a lot of other countries like Brazil, which is in recession. All of the other countries that depend on commodities, including Canada, are facing difficulties. So it's hard to see a story of a strong U.S. economy.
Joseph Stiglitz