The extra curricular activity in which I was most engaged - debating - helped shape my interests in public policy.
Joseph StiglitzThe striking thing about America is - it's historically, extraordinary unusual, I don't of any other instance - is that productivity of workers and wages have not moved in tandem.
Joseph StiglitzMacroeconomic policy can never be devoid of politics: it involves fundamental trade-offs and affects different groups differently.
Joseph StiglitzThe IMF is a more complicated issue. I think there is a broad sentiment among both the left and the right that the IMF may be doing more harm than good. On the right, there's the view that it represents a form of corporate welfare that is counter to the IMF's own ideology of markets. But anybody who has watched government from the inside recognizes that governments need institutions, need ways to respond to crises. If the IMF weren't there, it would probably be reinvented. So the issue is fundamentally reform.
Joseph Stiglitz