He scooped up Victoria practically before she hit the ground, well within the five-second rule. If she'd been a potato chip, he could have still eaten her. Not something I particularly wanted to contemplate.
Josh LanyonAnd I thought maybe I didn't need to worry about my heart anymore because it had stopped beating a couple of seconds earlier, and I was still sitting there living and breathing-though admittedly I wasn't feeling much of anything.
Josh LanyonThe phone rang, picked up, and the same male voice announced, โChris Powers." "Hey there, Chris. Are you aware it's a felony to make threats over the phone?" To give Powers his fair due, he got over his shock within a split second. โTry it, asshole. I dare you. My lawyers will have you for lunch.โ He clicked off again. I did what any red-blooded American male would do. I called my big, ex-cop ex-boyfriend.
Josh LanyonShrugging out of the damaged shirt, Jake said roughly, โI still dream about you.โ โI have nightmares about you.โ I dragged my T-shirt over my head, threw it aside.
Josh Lanyon