One of the failings of ideologues is their inability to see that everyone else isn't necessarily an ideologue like them.
Josh MarshallWith Jack Abramoff under indictment, a number of readers have suggested that now he might flip and try to offer the feds some figures higher up the food-chain.
Josh MarshallWhen Hillary's getting knocked around by the folks on the Hill is Bill going to go Larry King to knock her enemies around? Will he be going off to foreign countries on his own little diplomatic missions? I had assumed he'd remain a step in the background as he has through through most of this decade. But that doesn't seem to be the case. If the constitution allowed it, I'd happily have Clinton back. I'd happily have Hillary in his place. But I don't want them both.
Josh MarshallSuccess can be built on a strong relationship between a lobbyist and a single, powerful lawmaker.
Josh Marshall