What I do instead is I will cheerfully spend literally hours on identifier names: variable names, method names, and so forth, to make my code readable. If you read some expression using these identifiers and it reads like an English sentence, your program is much more likely to be correct, and much easier to maintain.
Joshua BlochWhen you choose a language, you're choosing more than a set of technical trade-offs-you're choosing a community.
Joshua BlochThe cleaner and nicer the program, the faster it's going to run. And if it doesn't, it'll be easy to make it fast.
Joshua BlochWhat I do instead is I will cheerfully spend literally hours on identifier names: variable names, method names, and so forth, to make my code readable. If you read some expression using these identifiers and it reads like an English sentence, your program is much more likely to be correct, and much easier to maintain.
Joshua Bloch