Death is not the enemy of life, but its friend, for it is the knowledge that our years are limited which makes them so precious. It is the truth that time is but lent to us which makes us, at our best, look upon our years as a trust handed into our temporary keeping.
Joshua L. LiebmanTolerance is the positive and cordial effort to understand another's beliefs, practices, and habits without necessarily sharing or accepting them.
Joshua L. LiebmanWe are the carriers of health and disease - either the divine health of courage and nobility or the demonic diseases of hate and anxiety
Joshua L. LiebmanSelf-understanding rather than self-condemnation is the way to inner peace and mature conscience.
Joshua L. LiebmanThe melody that the loved one played upon the piano of your life will never be played quite that way again, but we must not close the keyboard and allow the instrument to gather dust. We must seek out other artists of the spirit, new friends who gradually will help us to find the road to life again, who will walk the road with us.
Joshua L. LiebmanThe primary joy of life is acceptance, approval, the sense of appreciation and companionship of our human comrades. Many men do not understand that the need for fellowship is really as deep as the need for food, and so they go through life accepting many substitutes for genuine, warm, simple.
Joshua L. Liebman