Insomniac is an impassioned work-an inspired amalgam of academic and first-hand research, memoir, analysis, and the kind of obsessive brooding we associate with the insomniac state. Much here is fascinating, and much is upsetting; here is a cri de coeur from a lifetime insomniac that is sure to appeal to the vast army of fellow insomniacs the world over.
Joyce Carol OatesLater, her first intense, serious love affair, yes then she'd lost something more tangible, if undefinable: her heart? her independence? her control of, definition of, self? That first true loss, the furious bafflement of it. And never again quite so assured, confident.
Joyce Carol OatesTo the west, the Pacific Ocean, which revulses me, for its vastness cannot be fitted into any box.
Joyce Carol OatesPeople might be surprised to know how much I throw away. For every page I publish, I throw 10 pages away.
Joyce Carol Oates