We have to ask how we can stretch and how sometimes we can break the norms that determine what's intelligible and readable and what is not.
Judith ButlerWhen I was twelve, I was interviewed by a doctoral candidate in education and asked what I wanted to be when I grew up. I said that I either wanted to be a philosopher or a clown, and I understood then, I think, that much depended on whether or not I found the world worth philosophizing about, and what the price of seriousness might be.
Judith ButlerNo matter what someone else has done, it still matters how we treat people. It matters to our humanity that we treat offenders according to standards that we recognize as just. Justice is not revenge - it's deciding for a solution that is oriented towards peace, peace being the harder but more human way of reacting to injury. That is the very basis of the idea of rights.
Judith ButlerIndeed it may be only by risking the incoherence of identity that connection is possible.
Judith Butler