When you ask, did writing change my life? It totally changed my life. It gave me my life.
Judy BlumeI have like two dreams a week that I have to write a paper that I'm late with or that I've gone back to high school and have to do that in addition to my current job.
Judy BlumeI was sick all the time, one exotic illness after another, which lasted throughout my twenties. My worst decade. But from the day the first book was accepted, I never got sick again. Writing changed my life.
Judy BlumeIt's strange, but when it comes right down to it I never do fall apart--even when I'm sure I will.
Judy BlumeWith "Margaret," I remember clearly it was, you know because I did remember it clearly. I was young. I was young in terms of experience and what did I know about and I had an incredible memory from my own childhood. And so it never occurred to me to write for any other age group. And I thought I'm going to write a book and I'm going to tell the truth.
Judy Blume