I don't believe in writer's block. There are good days when you're writing and less good days. I've learned that if it's not happening to walk away and return later. I doodle a lot and often get my best ideas with a pencil in my hand while I'm doodling. The problem is, sometimes I lose my doodles and that's bad!
Judy BlumeWhen I started to write, it was the '70s, and throughout that decade, we didn't have any problems with book challenges or censorship.
Judy Blumeyou can't deny they ever happened. You can't deny you ever loved them, love them still, even if loving them causes you pain
Judy BlumeSometimes I'll say, "I wrote that book," and the person will look at you as if you're really strange. One time that happened to my daughter on a plane. She was sitting next to a girl who was reading one of my books and my daughter said, "My mother wrote that book." And the girl started to quiz my daughter, asking her all sorts of questions, like what are the names of Judy's children and where did she grow up. My daughter thought it was so funny.
Judy Blume